There was a need for it, and as a person who works from the to do list of need, I assigned myself the role of bringing about higher quality video and higher quality audio for local and touring musicians – both of which I am. Now, there isn’t as much a need for this as there was in the beginning. With more and more people coming on board the video knowledge bus, and equipment prices dropping like buzzards on a meal, so much more content than ever before is breaking the internet bank.
At this point, LBMS (LightBoxMusicSessions) is still about maintaining that high level quality work, but also speaking big about ‘voice’. Voice is huge – it’s more than what we sound like, it’s also what we look like. To capture another person’s ‘voice’ and to maintain our ‘voice’ – well, that’s art. Do it and do it well. While doing it well, always toss the bags up to the next highest point.