A love of art and function.
Unfolding the possibilities of potential. What can be done is incredible, and the results are instruments that are quite extraordinary.
There are so many ways to utilize classical approaches that lead to non-traditional results. These results can then function in the expected way on a technical platform, but they illicit a personal and connected presence of art.
There is also a focus on the application of the three R’s: reuse, recycle, reclaim. Much of the wood that gets used in the construction of an Urbaniak instrument has been reclaimed from incredible sources. This gives a story to the wood that belongs to an already bigger story.

Music is…
Wes Urbaniak. Mountain Folk.
We are all mountain folk for each of us is climbing our own mountain…
Urbaniak’s primary focus belongs here. He, and the band, is currently working through a next level paradigm in the thematic writing known as ‘The Long Walk’. Singles set to stream release throughout 2020.
Metaphor: when a dream is more than just a dream – it’s a calling. While embracing the calling, what designs come about to cause us to fail in our journey? Many. Many burdens drip into the pool upon our shoulders that bear them.
Mozzy is called to pull a well-made cart toward unknown-to-him places and up into the mountains. Along the way, he encounters friends and foes, lessons and expansions – it is a turn in the easy life the bear, Mozzy, had always known.
The journey that he sets out upon has no known end. He also isn’t given the rights to understanding the fullness for why he must go…
The Experimental Pond.
The pond and the dock. To begin, or to expand, this book gives insight into the discussion about the pond and its dock – the acoustic instrument.
We live in a world that operators upon a series of functions – physical functions. What’s cool, is that we do not need to know the math supporting the functions in order to use them and consider them in our day to day. This book applies some of that principal for those interested in furthering their minds on the subject of acoustic instruments.
This book is not meant to be an absolute, or full, representation, of all the properties that inhabit any given piece of wood and it’s home in the instrument. It is instead meant to guide the mind through the tools and applications of stressors applied to an instrument, so that the revealer creator might not be afraid to experiment with greater certainty upon the instrument they can imagine.

The Journals.
As I crawl past two decades of experimenting with instruments, and the using of tools to do such work, I understand that I am missing something. That something is new-ness. My patterns and my habits refuse to allow me to be a complete beginner. With that, I must certainly miss out on parts of the discussion with the beginner that they might find more useful than that which I offer.
Side by side two ukuleles were made in order that a more complete ‘beginners’ setting might take place. Along this journey, journals and thoughts were collected along the way. One of the beginner, and the other of the old hat.